History of development of biodynamic agriculture.
Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925)
Biodymanical agriculture is one of the main movements of ecological agriculture. This movement is based on SteinerТs lectures, read in Cobervitz in 1924. Steiner was quite concerned that the quality of agricultural products had gradually been degrading. Steinter put the emphasis of his course on the fact that the soil, the flora and the fauna are in fact a united organism. Thus, the processes of respiration, nutrition and excretion are common for everything alive. Since the nature is a united system, these ideas also re-evaluate the influence of the so-called parasitic plants and animals. Fertilizers, according to SteinerТs school, should be of organic origin. Only agricultural animalsТ manure, and only in the form of compost, can be used to fertilized soil. A self-sufficient biodynamical farm is a result of SteinerТs philosophy practical implementation. The main advantage of this attitude is in the use of Universal natural forces Ц this explains why Steiner was so much concerned, among other things, with herbal medicine and its practical implementation in agriculture.
Biodynamical agriculture is quite well-know in the West, especially among those, who realize that the Land is the basis of all things. Life is practically impossible without agricultural production. Demetra, the Greek goddess of fertility, was chosen as the quality brand of ecological agricultural products. In order to receive this brand, a farm is demanded to meet many requirements, dealing on the most part with the advanced norms of land cultivation and domestic animals care. Biodynamical method can freely be implemented in meat, tea and coffee production. You can buy natural products, such as meat, sausages, cheese, etc, as well as items made of natural materials (cotton, wool, etc) in specialized ecological shops, found nowadays almost everywhere. Although the prices in this shops are usually higher that in supermarkets, even people of modest income prefer to buy natural production, being absolutely sure in its constant quality. It is probably the clear understanding of the importance of ecological farming, that makes young people in many countries buy natural products more and more often Ц and even work in ecofarms!