Our Seminars.




In 1995, when the first seminar in biodynamical agriculture took place in St. Petersburg, Elizabeth Beringer (Germany) and Reinheld frech Emmelman (Austria) were among our lecturers. The seminar attracted many participants of all professions, as it introduced information on diodynamical theory and R. Steiner’s preparations. The first practical workshop was organized in 1997 (preparation 500 and compost preparations 502-505 developed). Workshop participants were able to experience the positive effect of the method in their plots in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. We also became aquatinted to Maria Tun’s calendar and Steiner’s Course of Agriculture, which was a special object of our studies. M. Tun and her son, Mattias K. Tun were invited to lead a 3-days seminar in St. Petersburg in 1998. M. Tun read a lecture on planetary influences in vegetation. The practical objective of the seminar was to develop fleidenpreparation, according to Tun’s technique. This technique is in fact a result of 10 years of her work, and it was published in the Planting Days calendar (yet not translated into Russian).


In 1999 a practical workshop was held in Stavotino village, where our farm is located. Native residents of the village took part in this workshop.


2000: our seminar attracts participants from various Russian cities: Irkutsk, Perm, Tolliatti, etc. Vedig von Bonin of Aichverder farm, Lubek, N. Germany, was invited to lead the seminar. Theoretical studies were combined with practical issues. Seminar participants had a possibility to obtain preparation techniques.


September 2002: Von Bonin lead another seminar, this time with Michael Sedden (Sweden). Many new participants learn about biodynamics and preparation techniques.


Read Seminar Schedule to learn about our future plans.




About plans of realization of our seminars you can learn here.



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